Sandra Grazzini-Rucki Back in Jail

November 6, 2016

Sandra Grazzini Rucki 

They say a “Tiger cannot change its stripes”. For protective mom Sandra Grazzini, after being released from jail in October she has found herself back in jail for violating the terms of her probation. She did not check in with her probation officer and did not report a change of address.

Her family wants to move forward with their lives and once again Sandra Grazzini-Rucki has found a way to inject herself into the news. Possibly the best the place for her to protect her children is prison.

Is the purpose of our criminal justice system to punish or rehabilitate? Is it possible to rehabilitate Sandra Grazzini-Rucki and other protective moms? You would hope that at some point Sandra Grazzini Rucki will wake up some morning and decide it’s time to give her children the privacy they rightfully deserve. Let them move forward with their lives. Until then, probably the best place for Sandra Rucki is jail.

Dede Evavold Protective Parent Criminal Trial Resumes

September 29, 2016

Dede Evavold

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The leader of the Children of the Underground, Faye Yager was the most notorious protective parent movement member to go on trial in the ’90s in Cobb County, Georgia. Tragically, the District Attorney Rose Wing failed to get a criminal prosecution. Over twenty years later in Hastings, Minnesota protective parent movement member Dede Evavold is being prosecuted on six felony counts of deprivation of child custody in the Sandra Grazzini Rucki case. Instead of getting the assistance of protective parent attorneys like Faye Yager did, Evavold is representing herself. She is not an attorney.

It is being reported that on Day 4 of the Trial, Evavold provided no opening statement, no witnesses, no cross examination and no objections. Evavold refuses to do anything. Evavold previously rejected a plea deal.

This makes no sense whatsoever and it sounds like Dede Evavold is daring the judge and the jury to send her to prison. Inasmuch as the protective parent network of lawyers and supporters usually steps up to defend their own, even attorney Michelle MacDonald who is seen in this video with Sandra Rucki and Michelle MacDonald is a no show.

This video was shot in 2013 by these Minnesota Protective Parent Movement / Family Court Critic Supporters. Ironically, three years later Sandra Rucki is in jail, Dede Rutherford on trial and Michelle MacDonald is running for judge. This supports our conclusion that the motive for this crime in these cases is “anger and revenge” and not for “love and protection of the child.”

Sandra Rucki Sentenced -Taken into Custody

September 23, 2016

Sandra Grazzini Rucki Found Guilty

Sandra Rucki was sentenced to 250 days in jail and six years probation after a jury convicted her in July 2016 of six felony counts of deprivation of parental rights. She was given 133 days credit for time served and will serve the rest of her jail sentence in 15-day increments for the next six years. She was immediately taken into custody to begin serving a 34-day jail sentence. She will serve another 15-day sentence starting on November 18, 2017. November 18 is the day her two daughters were found by law enforcement. She was ordered to pay a $944 fine, 944 is the number of days her children were missing.

Here are some quotes from the custodial father:

“It’s not about retribution,” … “It’s about being accountable … that’s all I’m looking for is accountability.”

“My words are lost on Sandy, and I have my doubts that she can even comprehend the pain and trauma she has inflicted on her children,”

“You are the reason I made it through this. You are the light at the end of every day. You are my strength, my joy, my life. I would do this again a hundred times if I had to because it would mean in the end I would have you, all five of you.”

[Read more at]

Editor’s Note: WOW! We applaud the efforts of this Minnesota Criminal Court, the District Attorney, this father and his supporters. We like the sentence over a number of years since it allows the criminal justice system the ability to monitor the convicted defendant. In addition, many protective moms will do their time in jail then re-start the litigious process. This sentencing certainly sends a strong message to the protective parent community on the long-term impact of this crime.

What Protective Parents Should NOT Do!

July 28, 2016

A message to the Protective Parent / Family Court Critics Movement, this is the end result if you engage in civil disobedience and kidnap your teenage children. There are always legal alternatives in child custody cases. There is no such thing as a permanent custody order. What would have been so bad about Joint Custody and Coparenting?



On July 28, 2016 in Dakota County, Minnesota, Sandra Grazzini-Rucki was taken into custody after the jury found her guilty of 6 Felony Counts of Deprivation of Child Custody. She was released on a $100,000 Bail.

#stopfamilyabduction #familyabduction #protective parent #familycourtcritic #jointcustody #coparenting

Breaking News: Sandra Rucki Found Guilty on 6 Felony Counts in Teenager Family Abduction Case!

July 28, 2016

Sandra Grazzini Rucki Found Guilty

This just in from MissinginMinnesota’s Twitter Account, Sandra Grazzini has been found guilty of 6 of 8 counts of Felony Deprivation of Child Custody. She was found not guilty of 2 counts of causing her children to be runaways. She was taken into custody and required to post $100K for bail with no conditions/$50K with conditions. She previously rejected two plea deals, offered to save her former spouse and her children the trauma of the trial.



MissinginMinnesota Twitter

Breaking: Dakota County Jury Now Deliberating in Sandra Rucki Criminal Trial

July 27, 2016
Sandra Rucki, Mugshot

Sandra Rucki – On Trial

A Dakota County Jury is now deliberating in the Teenager Family Abduction Criminal Trial of Sandra Grazzini-Rucki. She has been charged with 8 Felony Counts which include Felony Deprivation of Custodial/Parents Rights (Conceal Minor), Deprivation of Custodial/Parental Rights (Take Minor) (Court Order) (From Parent) and Deprivation of Custodial/Parental Rights (Cause Minor to be a Runaway).

The Judge in the case is Judge Karen Asphaug and the prosecutor is Kathryn Keena. The trial started on Monday, July 18, 2016.

Update: The jury deliberations have ended for the day and will re-start on Thursday, July 28, 2016 at 8:30AM CDT.


Missing in Minnesota

Case of Lakeville mom accused of hiding girls goes to jury July 27, 2016

Sun This Week

Sandra Rucki Confronted with Her Lies by by ABC News Reporter Elizabeth Vargas

April 9, 2016

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“You sat right here and spent half an hour saying you have not seen or spoken to your daughters … if you are lying to me about that, what else might you be lying to me about?” – Elizabeth Vargas to Sandra Rucki

Watch the ABC News 20/20 Show

Breaking: Sandra Rucki Trial to Begin March 7, 2016

December 7, 2015

Sandra Rucki, Mugshot

Sandra Rucki waived her right to a speedy trial and her pre-trial is scheduled to begin on Feb. 24, 2016 and her Jury Trial on March, 7, 2016.

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki is charged with 6 Felony Counts of Deprivation of Child Custody. The county is seeking an Aggravated Sentence.

Source: @mbrodkorb by Michael Brodkorb 12-17-15

Parental Kidnapping, Family Court Activism – What’s going on in Minnesota?

April 30, 2015
Samantha Rucki Kidnapped

Samantha Rucki – Kidnapping Victim

Gianna Rucki Kidnapped

Gianna Rucki – Kidnapped

Sandra Rucki, Sandra Grazzini

Sandra Grazzini-Rucki – Alleged Parental Kidnapper

Michael Rhedin

Michael Rhedin – Alleged Accomplice

Michelle MacDonald Activist Attorney

Michelle MacDonald – Activist Attorney

Dale Nathan

Dale Nathan – Suspended Attorney

Samantha and Gianna Rucki, were most likely kidnapped in a teenager parental kidnapping case in April 2013. Their custodial-embattled mother Sandra Grazzini-Rucki can’t be found except through her attorney Michelle MacDonald, the Minnesota Activist Attorney. MacDonald has been critical of the Family Court System as well as one particular Family Court Judge. MacDonald’s boyfriend, Michael Rhedin is also a person of interest in the case as well as suspended family law activist attorney Dale Nathan.

In the Family Abduction cases, there is not always a definitive course of action for classifying teenagers as parentally kidnapped or runaways. As we’ve seen in the Elizabeth Morgan case of the ’80s, Ms. Morgan stayed in jail rather than give up the location of her daughter. In Sandra Rucki’s case, she also in hiding or underground but communicates with her activist attorney. And then there is activist Dale Nathan who has injected himself and his cause into the case and was apparently driving the getaway car when the children were alleged kidnapped.

The Star Tribune is reporting that Lakeville, Minnesota Law Enforcement will be stepping up efforts to find these teenagers. As most of us in the Family Abduction Community believe, if law enforcement decides they want to find someone, it usually doesn’t take very long. As we witnessed in the Genevieve Kelley case, after the case was featured on John Walsh’s CNN The Hunt, Kelley, less than a month after the airing, Kelley turned herself in.

We urge Samantha and Gianna Rucki to do the responsible thing and turn themselves in. That would certainly look much better on a college application than an college application essay about being taken into custody with your arrested mother. To Michelle MacDonald and Dale Nathan, it’s pathetic how the both of you are wasting law enforcement and judicial resources for your own narcissistic and attention-seeking agendas. And to proclaimed protective parent Sandra Grazzini-Rucki – what would have been so bad about co-parenting or joint custody? It appears you have given up on having any type of relationship with your left-behind children. The only thing you will have accomplished is to be the example that parents shouldn’t engage in parental alienation, and the family court system worked. You were not and are not looking at the “best interests of your children“.


StarTribune – Lakeville police setup up efforts to find missing sisters by Brandon Stahl (April 29, 2015)

Left.MN – Did you bring your toothbrush, Mr. Nathan? by Steve Timmer (April 29, 2015)