
Family Abduction Documents

International Family Abduction Issues

Legal — Domestic Violence Shelters

Family Abduction Legal Directory

Family Abduction Legislative Developments

  • The Fagan Bill in Florida — This bill would virtually eliminate
    the Children of the Underground Group. It would require the person who
    took the children to notify law enforcement authorities from the child’s
    previous home within 10 days, according to a draft of the bill. The
    person would have to tell authorities why he or she took the child and
    provide an address and phone number where the child is being held. Short
    of a court order providing appropriate safeguards, this information
    would remain confidential.

Protective Parent Legal Issues

  • Morgan vs. Forteich
    This is a classic 1989 legal analysis of child custody issues as they
    relate to the family abduction crime. This analysis includes a quote
    from Faye Yager who states, “no one is turned away for lack of resources.”
  • Foretich to sue over law for Morgan President Clinton has
    signed a measure that would allow Elizabeth Morgan to return to the
    United States without fear of arrest, even though she fled the country
    nine years ago during a bitter custody battle. Victim Parent Eric Fortich’s
    Attorney Jonathan Turley will bring this matter to court as a violation
    of the constitution and the Hague Convention.

Family Abduction Movies

  • When Andrew Came Home Inspired by a true story, this movie
    tells of a mother who must cope with the return of her son, who had
    been missing for five years after being kidnapped by her ex-husband.

Family Abduction Prevention


  • A monitoring service that tracks cell phone activity of your children’s
    phones and displays their location on a map. It is also possible to
    setup an alert when the phone is used outside of a defined area. This
    service supports the Motorola i730, i88s and i58sr on the Nextel network
    and all models of the Benefon on the T-Mobile, AT&T, and Cingular networks.
    Additional phones and carriers will be supported as they become GPS
  • Family Abduction: Prevention and Response A publication of
    the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children. This publication
    can be downloaded from their site (248 pages). Note: If you believe
    your child(ren) could be kidnapped by your former spouse, it is imperative
    that you download this guide and carefully read it. You should call
    the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Center’s 24-Hour
    Hotline at 1-800-THE-LOST (1-800-843-5678).
  • Blocking the issuance of a U.S. Passport Information from the U.S. Department
    of State of how to stop a U.S. passport from from being issued for your
    child if you suspect they might be kidnapped abroad. Most U.S. citizens
    will not leave the country without a valid U.S. Passport for their child.
  • Parental Kidnapping: Prevention and Remedies This article
    was prepared for the project “Obstacles to the Recovery and Return of
    Parentally Abducted Children: Training, Technical Assistance, and Project
    Resources.” The Project is directed by Linda K. Girdner, Ph.D., project
    director, and Patricia M. Hoff, Esq., legal director, at the American
    Bar Association Center on Children and the Law. Other research by Dr.
    Janet Johnston, Judith Wallerstein Center for the Family in Transition,
    and Dr. Linda Girdner, ABA Center on Children and the Law. (1997)
  • Parental Kidnapping:Profile of the Kidnapper and Steps for Prevention
    One of the few white papers on the profile of a parental kidnapper and
    steps that can be taken for prevention.
  • Parental Abduction of Children:An Overview and Profile of the Abduction
    Prepared by: John Kiedrowski,M.A.(Crim.) C.H.S. Jayewardene,Ph.D.
    and Marlene Dalley, Ph.D. of the MISSING CHILDREN’S REGISTRY, R.C.M.P.
    in Ottawa, Ontario.(1994)
  • Prevention of Parent or Family Abduction of Children Through Early
    Identification of Risk Factors
    This study was conducted by Dr.
    Linda Girdner of the ABA Center for Children and the Law in collaboration
    with the Center for the Family in Transition in Corte Madera, California.
    This research has identified characteristics of families in which there
    has been an abduction and compared a sample of these families with high-conflict
    parents who have litigated custody.

Psychoglocial Effect on Children

Parental Kidnapping Prosecutions

9 Responses to Research

  1. Josh says:

    My ex wife has Bobbi Morrissey King has lied to police in Los gatos ca, in order to use a domestic violence group to kidnap my kids. They claim they are protecting her while she is the abuser and drug addict. I fear for the safety of my children , she is a unfit mom and this group are criminals. It’s just a matter of time before she snaps on one of them. She claims to the group that she is protecting my children from me however she is the abuser and I have uncovered evidence which proves that she is lying.

    • underwatch says:


      What is the name of the DV group?

      – The Editor

      • Josh king says:

        I am not too sure . She said something about next door solutions but I have no idea. The other lead that I have came across is a few people said that Bobbi mentioned to them that the new apartment manager at red branch apts at 16945 Roberts rd in Los Gatos Jenny Lynn let her up with the, the police are very vague supposedly they are in idaho.

      • underwatch says:

        Josh, I understand that law enforcement in California are very experienced in Family Abduction Cases. These shelters receive federal funding so I hope they didn’t knowingly assist. Once you get your child on the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children’s website, let us know and we’ll post your child’s photo.

        After the Ray Rice NFL football player incident and the NFL’s No More Campaign, I would imagine the number of fasle DV allegations/parental kidnappings to increase, but I would hope the Shelters would advise the parent on the consequences if leaving the State.

        The Editor

    • Josh King says:

      I would like to expose the actions of the domestic violence group Next Door Soultions and The advocates. Since I first wrote this some major life changing things have happened. Those two groups have destryoyed my two children and my life. Thanks to their inalbility to research and follow through, They have caused my kids now to live a horrible life where they no longer see me or my ex wife.
      I have no problem with those groups and their purpose. I believe if someone is in danger that it is very nice of them to help. The problem I have is they believed Bobbi and she is a drug addicted manipulator who used my name and made up stories which are absolutely false to use this group to run from supposed hacker Victor Pakerni and hide from her family because she could no longer care for my children. CPS was called 7 times etc, I worked with the DA and my children were recovered in Hailey Idaho. The trauma inflicted on my children and family since is irreversible and should of never of happened.
      I am not going to give up , Those groups need to do their due diligence before making such insane decisions. I want this to stop and avoid more families from being torn apart.
      Please let me know of any resources to bring these groups to justice.
      They also broke into my home. They stole my car and they jumped me. They hit me over the head with a steel pipe , kicked me in the ribs numerous times resulting in three broken ribs, stole my ipad and iphone because of the pictures and texts I had as evidence against them. They are a very hostile group of people
      Thank you so much
      Josh King

      • underwatch says:

        Hi Josh,

        One of these DV organizations is from San Jose, the other from Idaho. Were your children taken from CA to ID? I didn’t think DV Groups would assist in transferring one state to another. Almost all of them receive federal or some type of funding. They would lose the funding if they were reported for such actions.

        The Editor

  2. Josh king says:

    Yes it was next door solutions from San Jose. They encouraged my ex wife and a aided her, not mentioning the ramifications it would entail. She was then assisted by the advocates in hailey Idaho. It would be one thing if a woman was in immense danger however my ex being addicted to adder all had lost all sense of reality and became terribly paranoid. It’s actually sad and un believable. She had made numerous false accusations which the police in Los gatos got to the point of not even showing up.
    My point is that those ill thought out actions have done nothing but destroy my two kids. Since she made these idiotic claims the kids are now with a guardian and do not understand this, my ex had told them that I would be hiding in the closet waiting to kill them, that I poisoned her that I hacked , so many things that are so very untrue.its disgusting and I just worry about my kids. I would like to know if there is a way to stop these vigilantes. They went way overboard and failed to investigate. Along with attacking me, theft, abduction etc, these laws need to change before next door solutions and advocates destroy more lives.

    • underwatch says:

      Hi Josh,

      These DV organizations are known to be well funded and well connected. That said, many of the advocates or volunteers may have other agendas or know those groups that may be more extremist. That’s the case with the protective parenting cause where the protective parent will go to any extreme (possibly including violence). Most DV groups would say they don’t support any extremists issue, but all of them know who they are and have their numbers. Often times these beliefs are not reasonable including killing both the child and themselves (the most extreme). I never understood the part of believing they had the right to use violence or harass anyone.

      “Domestic Violence” organizations that consider DV a one-way-street and “Family Violence” organizations that that consider FV a gender neutral issue. Until the past year, I personally thought that Domestic Violence issue was moving toward Family Violence. I think the Ray Rice incident changed that as well as NFL Commissioner Goodell appointing Rita Smith, former head of the NCADV in Denver, CO to his DV committee. I don’t think Ms. Smith ever took steps to move the DV issue to FV. Hopefully, that view will change with some other more influential legal members on that committee. It is much more common these days to see women or mothers get arrested for DV, especially when the father has bruises and scratches.

      In these cases, the DV group from San Jose will say that they were just trying to help the woman and kids. The DV group in Idaho will probably say the same thing. You can issue a complaint against the non-profits:

      or to the local district attorney. That all said, since there is no such thing as permanent custody orders in a family law court, it might be more prudent to focus on regaining custody of your children.

      • Josh King says:

        After countless hours of investigation and narrowing down the facts all my claims are unfounded . I was used and manipulated by two sick individuals. I am now asking you to take this post down

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