
About Our Book List

The following books are The Editor’s Top picks in the area of Family Abduction, Child Custody, Parenting and Family Law. Please support our site by following the links to the site to purchase these books. We receive a few percent in referral fee for anything bought by users who enter their site from our site.

The Editor’s Top Underground Books

We don’t like listing these books on our website but this section
of books are written by the underground supports, expert witnesses.
They are bias, self-serving and are not generally accepted as athoritative by the
top child custody professionals.

  1. From Madness To Mutiny: Why Mothers Are Running From The Family Courts by
    Amy Neustein and Michael Leshner
    This is the latest book to be written by long-time underground supporter
    and possible alleged leader Amy Neustein who had a controversial custody
    case of her own. There are some who believe Neustein tried to take
    over the underground when Faye was on trial in 1992. This book is not
    a definitive resource for how to handle cases but self-serving propaganda
    for the underground. Neustein even has co-author Leshner reference her
    own case on page 4, although it isn’t specifically discussed. The index
    of the book is a good resource for a who’s who of the the underground,
    or who’s an independent expert witness and who’s not.

  2. Understanding
    and Assessing Child Sexual Maltreatment by Dr. Kathleen Coulborn

    (2003) This book is only listed here because Dr. Faller used cited our
    website on page 239 while discussing McKenzie Carpenter and Alan Detrich’s
    controversial article in which they photographed/interviewed Ellen Dever,
    Bonnie Rubenstein and Amanda Meyer going underground. We don’t understand why
    Dr. Faller feels a need to defend these underground moms.

  3. Divorced from Justice: The Abuse of Women and Children by Divorce Lawyers
    and Judges by Karen Winner
    (1996) We in no way would recommend getting this book but Ms. Winner
    is a extremist who doesn’t believe necessary believe in joint custody and that
    we should turn back the clocks to maternal custody.

The Editor’s Top Books

  1. Surrounded by Strangers by Jose S Kilpack
    This fictional book depics live underground and lists the Faye Yager Children of the Underground organizations in the author’s notes. It will
    give the searching parents and law enforcement a good perspective of the abducting parent’s life in hiding.
  2. Satan’s Silence Ritual Abuse and the Making of a Modern American Witch Hunt by Debbie Nathan, Michael Snedeker (November 1996) This book should be read by child protective service workers, family law attorneys, family law judges and custodial embattled parents who allege sexual abuse against the other parent. Buy It Online!
  3. The Abuse of Innocence The McMartin Preschool Trial
    by Paul Eberle, Shirley Eberleer parent. For any parent going through a family court trial or one involving abuse allegations, this is an excellent book. There was also a HBO movie with James Woods. This book should be a required reading for any CPS Worker or Evaluator. Buy It Online!
  4. Divorce Casualties : Protecting Your Children from Parental Alienation by Douglas Darnall (August 1998) We are predicting that parental alienation will finally become a recognized societal crisis and issue in the next decade. Douglas Darnall is clearly the new expert in this area. His book is a must read prior to meeting with an evaluator if dealing with a custodial embattled spouse. Buy It Online!
  5. Joint Custody with a Jerk Raising a Child With an Uncooperative Ex by Julia A. Ross, Judy Corcoran. (April 1996) If this book were a required reading during mediation or evaluation, it would prevent a great majority of Family Abductions. We recommend it all divorcing parents. Buy It Online!
  6. Custody for Fathers A Practical Guide Through the Combat Zone of a Brutal Custody Battle by Michael Brennan (December 1994) California Orange County Attorney Michael Brennan provides the most brutally honest and practical advice for any father going through a custody battle. If a father is considering pro se representation, this is the first book he should read. Buy It Online!
  7. When Parents Kidnap The Families Behind the Headlines by Geoffrey L. Greif, Rebecca L. Hegar (January 1993) For Searching Parents, is a difficult read since it examines the family abduction issue from a social scientists perspective. Many Searching Parents give a copy of this book to their local District Attorney, Investigating Office and FBI Agent. If anything, it puts them on notice that this is a serious crime against children. This book should be read by any judge presiding over Family Abduction trial.Buy It Online!
  8. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen and Listen So Kids Will Talk
    by Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish (August 1991) This is an excellent book for communicating with your children. Many parenting classes use this book. Buy It Online!
  9. Ashes to Ashes, Families to Dust False Accusations of Child Abuse A Roadmap for Survivors by Dean Tong (November 1996) By the Author of Don’t Blame Me Daddy, Mr. Tong is a long-time advocate in cases involving false allegations against fathers. Buy It Online!
  10. Adult Children of Abusive Parents A Healing Program for Those Who Have Been Physically, Sexually, or Emotionally Abused by Steven Farmer (May 1990) Many abducting and accusing parents are past victims of abuse. This book may help both parents understand the issues and the corresponding impact on parenting. Buy It Online!

Family Abduction

  • When Parents Kidnap The Families Behind the Headlines by Geoffrey L. Greif, Rebecca L. Hegar (January 1993) For Searching Parents, is a difficult read since it examines the family abduction issue from a social scientists perspective. Many Searching Parents give a copy of this book to their local District Attorney, Investigating Office and FBI Agent. If anything, it puts them on notice that this is a serious crime against children. This book should be read by any judge presiding over Family Abduction trial.Buy It Online!
  • Not Without My Daughter by Betty Mahmoody, William Hoffer (October 1993) The searching and recovering parents if Internationally abducted children, this is an excellent book. Betty’s story was made into a movie staring Sally Fields.Buy It Online!

False Allegations

Child Custody


7 Responses to Books

  1. Smoldcoossy says:

    There id a lot of talking about Michael Jackson dead, it’s a very sad for me because I love his music, I still didnt’ believe in his dead. Hi was a definitelpy king of ‘Pop’.

  2. Carlo Nunlee says:

    Comfortabl y, the article is in reality the greatest on this worthy topic. I concur with your conclusions and will thirstily look forward to your coming updates. Saying thanks will not just be sufficient, for the wonderful lucidity in your writing. I will directly grab your rss feed to stay privy of any updates. Good work and much success in your business dealings!

  3. Trashed Society says:

    It floors me that our government rather directly divert the responsibility of actions taken by their various agencies to cover and allow for more time to gather for themselves by mistracking and miscategorizing the legal responsibilities only to dump a cold case into a Mental Health wastebasket. Should discovery properly label a matter or should it be burried miscategorized and sent to other less offensive list and endanger Public Safety. Sedition and Treason are a very serious matter to allow to flourish undetected and is National Security matter. SO many fail to recommend cases to higher government at once and then it is discovered abroad to the dismay of all those who witnessed signatures in Geneva on Humanitarian law, Child rights.

    To say until the child grows up and become an adult is outragious when there was a filthy philosophy entertaining to minimizing the worth and the report of a child.

  4. where were you when I had to run with my daughter and when I hid her out and went back to court to try to regain custody of my 3 that DHS had they put me in Jail till they found out where the baby was but they couldnt touch her she was in another state with a family member.

  5. Im behind you 110% for helping these women and children against these corrupt courts and abusers

  6. Trashed Society says: says:

    What is a travesty is when 3yrs pass, five, then twenty as tortured young American’s are undefended by their own family, Alienated from the Parent from which theyr were abducted from; thus blocking even local government from ever reaching this child, teen, your young adult. Our Constitutional rights violated by foreign immigration pouring into our nation to plunder and upgrade by PROCREATING for an upgrade from their greencard status. WHO the heck let such Sedition into our nation in the first place and what authority hired such police and court system representatives who cannot discern federal level matters. Are our states not taking FEDERAL liberties? this state nor any other are not their own nation but a state within a body called the United States of America. Are we a united front or not?
    We are required under the law to be DUTIFUL, and DILIGENT but more over to possess Fidelity and yet LOYALTY plumets to the ditch?
    We OUGHT to Report Wastage & Fraud and yet so many ma y Americans do not know honesty nor the meaning of FRAUD, much less that our Citizenship comes with RESPONSIBILITIES. Just as our Diver’s License is a PRIVILEDGE not a right to possess, our population needs to have self respect before it is to make any demands without putting into the pot. If our graduates do not knw the workings of their federal government and their society or neighborhood how then are these to distinguish between their communities much less where they will take their place. Do parents train their children or merely feed and cloth wreckless rebels to also plunder by their limitless boundaries issues into the worlf to derail and trample their neighbor and community.
    Where are the children to accomodate themselves in all this with such savage behavior running amuck?
    As a member of a trashed society which actually favored the federal government from the beginning I still say our leaders are simply not told everything and keeping the torch lit on this topic should be everyone’s concern.

    Peace to you all

    • underwatch says:

      “We are required under the law to be DUTIFUL, and DILIGENT but more over to possess Fidelity and yet LOYALTY plumets to the ditch?”

      What is your source for this?

      -The Editor

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